
Sunday, 8 November 2020



Messages to the year 6 students of Tautoro school.


Narrative writing ( Mega City )

 Hi, I am Harry. I am a dog. I stay with my owner Jack. Jack wanted to go to a countryside area where it was nice and bright, colourful landscape but we had to raise money for it, Jack busks for days weeks and months, every night me and Jack would come back to our old small messy house and sleep. Every Night I was Exhausted and depressed, Jack looks at the photo that has the motorbike he wants and also the countryside. Ting!! Ting!! Money dropping into the money jar. We kept on getting a bit happier because money kept on rising as soon as the last coin spun around and into the jar, a big smile popped on both of our faces. Our Depression started fading away. I slowly put my paw on this green thing. It felt weird until I ran over to chase the butterfly.

Vex IQ movie

 W.A.L.T: Code a robot so it can pick up a block, put it on it's back also pick up another block and stack it on another block.

Here is a video about how to code a robot and how to code what you want your robot to do.

It might sound hard but it is actually easy ( if you knew it really good )

Enjoy the video

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Measuring Temperature

 W.A.L.T: identify the hot and cold spots                                                               

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

3D Drawing

 W.A.L.T: Draw 3D objects

This is my 6th attempt of drawing 3d objects. 

I found this activity hard but easy because we didn't have to draw 2 things, the trick to start it off was to draw the 2d shape first and then start drawing 3d objects. Also we had to add some details. I have improved my drawing by practicing at home and also trying to take my time. I moved from Level 2 to Level 3.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Tessallation Geometry

 W.A.L.T: Tessallate shapes 

Today we had to create patterns with plastic pattern blocks. There were levels level 3 was 1-2 shapes. For Level 4 it was 3-4 shapes and level 5 was 5 shapes. level 5 is yr 9 work, Level 4 is yr 7 & 8 and Level 3 is yr 5 & 6.

Was it stressful?

This activity was very stressful but if you looked at the patterns properly you could see what patterns to use. 

This one has two shapes so this is level 3
Also this has four shapes so this is level 4

Bridge of Terabithia Part 3

 Today our class were doing a part 3 on the bridge of Terabithia and we all had to summarise the main message.

W.A.L.T: Summarise the main message

There were 5 groups at each table some people were away. we had to listen to the main characters and find the letter of but we have to write the whole sentence that has of at the start.

Monday, 14 September 2020

3 Dimensional Drawing

W.A.L.T: draw isometrically. 

What did you do today?

Today my class were learning how to sketch room 5 and 6 together. 2d drawing was easy but 3d was even harder. Some students weren't good at drawing 3d shapes and i am one of them.

How do you think you are doing?

I am good at sketching 2d but not 3d pictures. 3d is harder because you have to know what 3d shapes are called and look like.

This is my Pre assessment

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Geometry Isometric


This is a photo of what we have been learning about. W.A.L.T: Practice drawing Isometric.

Isometric is a type of drawing. Isometric is just drawing lines on dots and creating some pattern.

Was this hard?

This activity was easy at first but it got harder as i started to get on with it. I wasn't successful because i was mucking around and talking too much.

Sc: I will

Stop talking and mucking around.

Get my work done

Follow instructions

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Spelling schonell Results

 W.A.L.T: Set targets for my spelling goals.

Sc: I will

Practice every night.

Pay attention to difficult words.

Record my Weekly spelling results.

What happened?

Last week our class had to do a schonell test some achieved and some didn't. The test went from easy to hard.

As a result 

I learnt to spell some hard words such as enthusiastic, Orchestra and committee. and i have achieved by 11 words correct.

Next time i will 

Learn more harder words and remember to do my spelling homework.


Friday, 5 June 2020

Maths-Whizz Wk 3

Every Friday our class has to write a presentation so we can show everybody our progressions.
Last week I had gotten 8 progessions and this week I've gotten 5 progressions so that means I am getting lower and lower but I need to get higher and higher. 
This is my presentation.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Writing sample

The story

A marae is a special place in the community A marae is a special place to the community all over New Zealand because many of the maori’s built a marae in special places. A marae is the heart of the whanau. The marae can be help with whakapapa where your from. It can also be about turangawaewae.

 Firstly a marae is special because marae’s are the heart of any whanau in the community. Marae’s can be used for celebrations like birthday party’s,whanau reunions,hui and celebrating the life of a loved one that passed.

 Secondly a marae can also be special to the community because inside any marae around the world they have these names and carving, the names on the wall stands for there names which is called your tupuna.

 Thirdly a marae is very special because it is anybody’s home ground especially if the whanau belongs to the marae. A marae is also for turangawaewae. Turangawaeawae means that it is your whanau home and your standing ground, it is mostly for kaumatu’s As a result a marae is special because it can be for celebrations for celebrating the life of a loved one. It is for whakapapa and for Turangawaewae.


Whole Unknown Problems